DBD hélt málstofu á Þjóðarspeglinum 2020

In Fréttir by Anna Wojtynska

Á Þjóðarspeglinum 2020 var haldinn DBD málstofa.
Málstofustjóri var Eva Þórdís Ebenezerdóttir.
Erindin og höfundar þeirra voru (klikkið á titil til að horfa):

Arndís Bergsdóttir
Rými fyrir kvikar sögur: Ósýnilegur arfur fatlaðs fólks á söfnum

Christopher Crocker
Disability and the conditions of narrative in medieval saga writing

Yoav Tirosh
On the Lives of Deaf and Non-Speaking People in Late Medieval Iceland

Alice Bower
Guðmundur Bergþórsson as Creator and Creation: Examining the life, works and folkloric legacy of a skald

Eva Þórdís Ebenezersdóttir og Sólveig Ólafsdóttir
From life with a different body to recreated folklore of accentuated difference